Monday, March 23, 2020

Here is the first dryland workout. Very detailed. You do not have to complete the entire workout in one session.

Dryland Training  #1 2020
Core, push, pull           

(important to warm-up or you might pull a strain a muscle)
2x’s through
Jog in place @ :20
Mummy kicks @ :20
Cross Jacks  @ :20
Butt kicks @ :20
High Knees @ :20
Ski jumps @ :20

Dynamic Stretch   

Dynamic Stretch in one place 5 Minutes

Line up:
1:   Walking quad stretch (each step stretch)       2: Hamstring scoops

3:  Frankenstein walk

4:  Walking lunge toe raise

5:  Left, Right, Middle

*Both hands right, Both Hands Middle, Both Hands Left

6: 90/90 Stretch  

5x’s hold for 5 seconds each side

7:  Leg swing left & right side 5x’s each
8:  Hand swing left & right side 5x’s each.


3x’s   30 on 10 off
1: Balance ball roll out
2: Ball crunch 
3: Ball leg raise      
4:  Ball Pass back
5:  Birddog right-hand left leg
6:  Birddog left-hand right leg
7:  Side balance right side last:15 Star plank
8:  Side balance left side last:15 Star Plank.
Rest 1:00 

TRX Workout
3 x’s 30 seconds on 15 off
1:  EVF Tubing pull
Watch video:

2: Close grip TRX rows

3: Multi-level push-ups

4: TRX Wide-grip Pull-ups

5:  Dumbbell Curls (15 - 20lbs)

Lower arched back fix
(watch the video and perform the last exercise every day)
Go into 7:00 minutes in so you don’t have to listen to all of the talking.


1: Standing quad stretch 3 x 20 seconds each side
2: Sitting hamstring stretch 3 x 20 seconds
3: Sit on feet for 3 x 20 seconds, Lean back for an extra 10 seconds if 4: possible.
4:  Yoga series
  1.  Start in plank 
  2. Upward dog 5 seconds
  3. Downward dog 5 - 10 seconds
  4. Raise right leg up as high as you can
  5. Swing it through to runners' pose.
  6. Crescent pose 20 seconds.
(repeat same thing other side)

The same thing as crescent pose, but warrior 0ne 20 seconds (warrior one has the foot sideways), warrior II 20 seconds, reverse warrior 20 seconds.  Same thing on the other side.
5:  Cat, cow
6:  Beach Pose
7:  Child's pose.